Travel to Far Planets, Complete easy missions, win prizes!
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A genius scientist, Dr Yamaka, was building a new robot!
He Shouted: "It's going out of control! Shutdown the machine!"
But It was too late! Machine was conscious!
Scientist was afraid of this powerful robot!
He had to do something ...
He sent the robot to space !!
Robot felt he belongs to nowhere!
Until it found a new home
He called the new Planet:
"Land of Landless"
Robot built other robots!
They were now a colony
They explored the red planet and built homes there
Take on the journey!
Build your base and expand
"Land of Landless"
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Explain like I'm 5
  • Simon Emperor says
    Complete missions soldier!

    For LOL! For Expansion! For Juicy Prizes!

  • Gamer🎮 or a Degen🐒, you're welcome!
    Let's share a memecoin!

    You do missions, Emperor gives you candy!

  • Help Emperor Tai Colonize!
    Ops! Emperor spotted new planets

    we need help, invite your friends!